Ayurveda Cures

Ayurveda Cures at ChieneHuusThere are different ways to do good to your body and mind. Undoubtedly, one of the most sustainable is an Ayurvedic Cure. Accordingly, an Ayurveda Cure will let you recover from the stress of everyday life and recharge your batteries, energy and health. Furthermore, the spa treatments will help your body to detoxify and purify. Overall, you will experience a profound cleansing, which can increase health, balance and physical performance far beyond the cure.

Health Insurance Reimbursement: Our cure therapist Umesh Tejasvi is recognised by health insurance companies in various ayurveda methods. Therefore, it is possible that your health insurance company will contribute to the costs if you have taken out additional insurance. Hence, we kindly ask you to check with your insurance company. Do not hesitate to contact us in case you need further information or advise.

Last but not least: We do not only offer ayurvedic cures in Kiental, but also trainings as Ayurvedic Massage Practitioner. Find more information on the website of the neighbouring Kientalerhof (german only).


February 2025

24.02. - 07.03.         Ayurveda cleansing cure "Pancha Karma" 11 days with Alexander Pollozek and Alexandra Pollozek

August 2025

09.08. - 20.08.         Ayurveda cleansing cure "Pancha Karma" 11 days with Alexander Pollozek and Alexandra Pollozek

November 2025

10.11. - 21.11.         Ayurveda cleansing cure "Pancha Karma" 11 days with Alexander Pollozek and Alexandra Pollozek